🗒️Giffgaff 现正升级支持 WiFi Calling 中

AI summary
快讯! Giffgaff 正在升级基础设施,以支持 WiFi Calling 及 VoLTE,在 4月 - 9月 期间将分批升级!


今天我们为大家带来了关于 WiFi Calling 和 VoLTE 的最新进展,我想和大家分享一下我们目前的情况以及未来可以期待的事情。
为了能够为我们的会员提供 VoLTE 和 WiFi Calling 服务,我们需要对使用我们服务的每个人进行一次迁移过程。这一迁移过程预计将于五月开始,并将持续几个月的时间
完成这一过程后,WiFi Calling 和 VoLTE 将会自动启用,并且如果你有一部兼容的手机,你将能够使用这项服务。
  • 我们的会员基础迁移计划定于四月底/五月初开始
  • 总体而言,这个过程预计需要大约4个月的时间,但这是一个逐步的过程,意味着我们将逐渐每天迁移一批giffgaff的号码
  • 一旦一个号码被选中进行迁移,迁移的过程只需要几分钟就可以完成了,在此期间你的手机会暂时失去服务,但其实升级只是一瞬间的事情
  • 一旦一个号码完成迁移,用户将能够自动使用 WiFi Calling 和 VoLTE,前提是他们有一部兼容的手机
  • 视觉语音信箱尚未提供,但我们会在有更多细节时与大家分享
  • 拥有多张SIM卡的用户要注意了,不同的SIM卡可能会在不同的时段被迁移
  • 只支持2G/3G的设备用户将继续像现在一样使用服务,但因为设备不兼容,可能无法使用 VoLTE 和 WiFi Calling 。
干杯, 米奇


通知原文来自 Giffgaff 官方社区:
Hi folks,
We’ve got an update on WiFi calling and VoLTE for you all today, so I want to share where we are now and what you can expect going forward.
We know many of you have waited for this for a long time, but as we’ve mentioned before, there have been many moving parts, involving loads of teams and a lot of work to make sure that we get this done right for everyone.
So let’s get to the details, which I am sure you’re all keen to see.
In order for us to be able to provide our members with VoLTE and WiFi calling, we need to go through a process of migration for everyone who uses our services. This migration process is currently due to begin in May and will last for several months.
For the technically minded, members will be moved on from the 2G band for calls to the 4G and 5G bands sequentially, which means we will gradually migrate a batch of giffgaff numbers each day.
After this, WiFi calling and VoLTE will be enabled automatically and will be available on your handset if you have a compatible phone.
Please keep in mind that because this is such a complex process, these time frames might change. We will let you know when the migration has started and also keep you in the loop with any changes that might come to the overall timeline.
Here is a summary with the top-level details:
  • Migration for our member base is scheduled to begin at the end of April/beginning of May
  • Overall, this process should take roughly 4 months but it is done sequentially which means we will gradually migrate a batch of giffgaff numbers each day
  • Once a number has been picked up for the migration, the process will take a few minutes to complete, during which there will be a temporary loss of service for a brief moment
  • As soon as a number has been migrated, the member will automatically be able to access WiFi calling and VoLTE as long as they have a compatible phone
  • Visual voicemail will not be available yet, but we’ll share more on when we have more details
  • Members with multiple SIMs, please know that it is likely they will go through the migration process at different times.
  • Members with a 2G/3G only device will continue to use the services as they do today, but may not be able to access VoLTE and WiFi calling due to device compatibility.
Note: time frames may change as this is a complex process and we’ll let you know of any updates
We are working on Help articles to cover this change that will also go into more detail about compatible devices, as well as explain how the features will work. We will share them with you as soon as they are available.
Hope this is all clear and useful for you.
If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to try and answer them all.
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